Electrically- driven water treatment technologies (Lead IITM)
Developing of discontinuous selective desalination technology and combine it with advanced oxidation
Detailed task distribution in Workpackage 1:
In WP1, we develop the discontinuous selective desalination technology and combine it with advanced oxidation (AO) to meet treatment needs (Figure 3). Achievements of this work and the experiences of IITM, RWTH and TWIC will have major impact on the planning of the pilot plant at the site of an industry partner. In parallel, we combine the novel FixedCDI knowledge of IITM with RWTH CVTs comprehensive FlowCDI experience to develop a continuous treatment process which can target the needs defined by TWIC.
- Evaluation of water quality and agreement on synthetic waters, followed by testing of a combined FixedCDI+AO reactor (IITM)
- Scale-up FixedCDI+AO reactor (RWTH, IITM, TWIC)
- Lab-scale experiments of FlowCDI with specified synthetic waters (RWTH)
- Lab-scale experiments of FlowCDI with industrial waters (RWTH)
- Test identified FlowCDI design for selective salt recovery (RWTH)