Within the EfectroH2O Project 2 main areas of work can be defined:
The treatment technology is being developed in collaboration between RWTH Aachen University, IITM and TWIC, while the evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment technology is being performed in collaboration between Goethe University, Ibacon/Eurofins and Eurofins (Figure 1).
In addition, five different work packages are also defined within the project. In work packages 1 to 3, the development of the treatment technology as well as the establishment of the analytic Methods for treatment assessment within the project is carried out, while in work packages 4 to 5 dissemination and coordination tasks are performed.
Workpackage 3
Case study and technology evaluation (Lead: TWIC)
Involved Partners: TWIC, RWTH, Goethe Univ., IITM, Eurofins, Ibacon/Eurofins
Detailed task distribution in Workpackage 3:
In WP3 we use the results from WP1 and WP2 to specify the pilot plant’s technical configuration. The pilot plant’s operation and monitoring takes place at the relevant environment defined by IBACON, EUROFINS, IITM and TWIC. Meanwhile, the results from WP3 are used for risk assessment of ecotoxicology. In addition to that, the techno-economic analysis and analysis of alternative water management approaches takes place in this work package. Figure 5 shows an overview of the procedures within WP3 including inputs from WP1 and WP2. The integration of the CDI pilot plant in the existing treatment system in the case study is shown in Figure .
- Identification of optimal pilot plant configuration (TWIC, IITM, RWTH)
- Design and construct pilot plant for FixedCDI+AO system (IITM, TWIC, RWTH, Goethe Univ.)
- Commissioning and operation of pilot plant in relevant environment (TWIC, IITM, RWTH)
- Technical (TWIC, IITM) and EBM monitoring of pilot plant (TWIC, IITM, Eurofins, IBACON)
- Risk-based assessment of ecotoxic potential associated with the case study location (Goethe Univ., IBACON, Eurofins, TWIC)
- Techno-economic and SWOT analysis of all investigated technologies (TWIC, RWTH, IITM)
- Conceptualize alternative water management approaches (RWTH, TWIC, IITM)
Workpackage 4
Dissemination, exploitation and replication (Lead: IITM)
Involved Partners: IITM, TWIC. RWTH, Goethe Univ., Eurofins, Ibacon/Eurofins
Detailed task distribution in Workpackage 4:
Dissemination of project results will take place on different levels including reports, presentations and publications. We will create a public website for EfectroH2O to present the problem, objectives, expected results, main features of the methodology as well as the exploitation and utilization perspective. On an international level, Goethe University will present results at international conferences such as the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and distribute knowledge through the NORMAN network, a scientific community in the field of emerging pollutants. An Indo-German summer school for students supported by the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) will be organized at IITM in order to discuss and showcase results and provide lectures related to the science and results of EfectroH2O. As a renowned university, IITM has the potential to reach out to other institutes in India and disseminate project results. On the industrial side, TWIC will host industry forums and workshops to present replication strategies and subsequent exploitation. Stakeholder (potential end-users from industries, technology providers, equipment manufacturers, regulatory agencies, technical universities) meetings and presentations will be carried out in the course of the project. A final symposium will sum up the project’s achievements.
- Dissemination via conferences, publications, policy brief articles, industry boards project homepage (all)
- Indo-German Summer school for graduate student (IITM, Goethe Univ.)
- Replication strategy and subsequent exploitation, including industry decision maker workshop (TWIC, all)
- IPR regulation amongst partners jointly developed (RWTH, all)
Workpackage 5
Project management (Lead: Goethe Univ.)
Involved Partner: Goethe Univ., TWIC, Ibacon/Eurofins, IITM, RWTH, Eurofins
Detailed task distribution in Workpackage 5:
At project start, a kick-off meeting will be held to update all project partners regarding time schedule, dissemination plan and deliverables. A structured data exchange platform and channels for communication within the consortium will be established. On a regular basis, consortium (biannual) and WP (monthly) meetings will ensure feedback between all partners and continuity in workflow. The coordinators will organize the consortium meetings, while content management and responsibility for the WPs itself will be handled by the designated WP leaders. WP leaders will regulate the internal exchange of information and organize the necessary internal WP meetings. The main objective of such meetings is to guarantee the flow of information between partners involved in different WPs. Furthermore, the WP leaders are responsible for the interface management with the other work packages and contact persons for technical and organizational questions. An important part of the communication will occur via e-mail, telephone and through project-specific internetbased communication platforms. A continual exchange and update with regard to progress and time schedules will ensure a high quality and timely management of the deliverables and project reports.
- Reporting, and reviewing the quality of deliverables and project reports, controlling budget and timeline (all)
- Online and offline data exchange (all)
- Workpackages meeting, Administration and coordination of project activities (all)
- Planning and organizing the consortium meetings (Goethe Univ.)